Friday, December 18, 2009
New Interview On-Line

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Bobby rides into the Wild West with A Fistful of Legends

BILLY by Lance Howard
HALF A PIG by Matthew P Mayo
BLOODHOUND by C. Courtney Joyner
BIG ENOUGH by Chuck Tyrell
ON THE RUN by Alfred Wallon
THE GIMP by Jack Martin
VISITORS by Ross Morton
THE NIGHTHAWK by Michael D George
DARKE JUSTICE by Peter Avarillo
CRIB GIRLS by Kit Churchill
MAN OF IRON by Chuck Tyrell
Friday, December 4, 2009
Fantastix graphic novel now available

A graphic novel by Creator/Editor: Jason S. Powell - Art By: Daniele Serra - Written By: Bobby Nash - Cover Art By: Erick Marquez - Back Cover Art By: Ryan Drake - Lettering By: Percival Constantine - Logo Design By: Rodney Roberts
Manga Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 88
Available at Indy Planet http://www.indyplanet.com/index.php?id=3055 and ComicsMonkey http://www.comicsmonkey.com/index.php?id=3055
You can view the cover and pages 1 - 6 at http://bobby-nash-news.blogspot.com/.
Rob Temple is a meta human on the run with his teenage sidekick Mouse. However the Government and a dark being known as "THE CREATOR" have other plans in mind for him. Rob is the key to a future of their creation and, if he doesn't escape, all mankind will end up slaves. But Rob has bigger problem; an addiction to a new age drug called "FANTASTIX" or "FX!" which not only controls his powers but also his very life.
Rob is an addict on the run and out of luck, and now he has to fight. Welcome to the world of "FANTASTIX"!In a world much like our own; meta humans fight for their very being against other meta humans, the Government, and their bodies because of a new age drug they are born addicted too called Fantastix or FX! Welcomed to the world of "FANTASTIX"!
FANTASTIX TM and © Copyright 2009 by Jason Shane Powell. All Rights Reserved.
There is no word at this time if the Fantastix novel, also written by Bobby Nash will return to print. Keep watching Nash News at http://bobby-nash-news.blogspot.com for more information as it becomes available.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fortier Talks Captain Hazzard

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Lance Star: Sky Ranger & Domino Lady discounted at Amazon

If you've been interested in either volume, now it the perfect time to buy.
These books make excellent Christmas gifts.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
THE ROOK - Vol. Three
By Barry Reese
Wild Cat Books
168 pages
He’s back, Atlanta’s own original pulp hero as created by Barry Reese, in another collection of six very exciting new adventures. The fun of Reese’s creation is how he is constantly pairing his beak-nosed avenger with classic pulp heroes from the golden days of the pulps. In this volume the Rook teams up with the Black Bat and criminologist Ascott Keane to take on the villainy of the red-garbed Dr.Satan.
Although the stories stand individually, they do form a narrative chain and in this volume the Rook takes on the growing threat of Hitler’s new super soldiers, each with his own unique scientifically altered abilities. But it is his confrontations with Dr.Satan that proved to me the most of fun this third outing. Reese clearly has fun with how he handles these old time baddies, giving each an obsessive drive to succeed in whatever their nefarious plans might be. They jump off the page and are truly part of the charm of his fiction.
There’s also plenty of action in the way of gun fights and knock-down, battering slug-fests between the minions of evil and the Rook and his own colorful allies. With this volume, Reese is three for three in the win column. His prose gets leaner and more confident with each new story he weaves, the sign of a real talent. Here’s hoping there are a lot more Rook adventures coming our way.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Rose DesRochers interviews Bobby Nash

Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Book Publishers are thrilled to announce the release of a new novel starring Sherlock Holmes’ own beloved companion, Dr. Watson. This is the official sequel to the bestselling Sherlock Holmes – Consulting Detective, released earlier this year.
“After the overwhelming success of our Sherlock Holmes anthology, we knew bringing out a Dr. Watson book was a natural follow-up,” said Airship 27 editor, Ron Fortier. “Aaron Smith has turned in grand mystery, one we know Holmes fans will really enjoy.”
When a group of men and women throughout London begin exhibiting strange psychotic behavior, Dr. John Seward, from the Dracula affair, is brought into the case. Faced with a mystery beyond his realm of experiences, he turns to Sherlock Holmes’ trusted companion, Dr. Watson, for help. Together these two men of science must uncover the riddle behind a white powder drug with the ability to drive people mad before the entire population is infected.
An original, never before published mystery set against the backdrop of Victorian England by a master storyteller. Suspense and adventure await on every corner as two of literature’s most famous characters join forces to unravel a…SEASON OF MADNESS.
This book also contains a special bonus feature. THE ELECTRIC SHARK (A Hound-dog Harker Adventure). Introducing Quincy Harker of Her Majesty’s Secret Service in the first of a brand new adventure series. Harker and his friends face danger on the high seas as a long lost ship of scientific marvels returns to challenge all of mankind.
With interior illustrations by Pedro Cruz and a cover by Rob Davis and Shane Evans, SEASON OF MADNESS is another suspense filled Victorian thriller brought to you by
Airship 27 Productions; Pulp fiction for a new generation!
ISBN: 1-934935-58-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-934935-58-3
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Release date: 10/26/2009
Retail Price: $21.95
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lance Star: Sky Ranger in the news...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two years ago, with Volume One, this long forgotten pulp hero returned with a bang in four action packed new stories.
Once again its time to strap in to your seat belts and rev up your props, as Lance Star – Sky Ranger returns with another heaping of all out action, adventure thrills and spills high up in the wild blue yonder. And this time he’s accompanied by a handful of pulpdom’s greatest aviation heroes to include, The Griffon, The Three Mosquitos, and the undisputed Commander of the Clouds, America’s # 1 action ace, Captain Midnight!
Writers Bobby Nash, Van Allen Plexico, Aaron Smith and David Walker pull out all the stops to bring you five pulse pounding tales of brave men and their flying machines as they fight our countries deadliest foes both at home and abroad. Here, for the first time, is the origin of Captain James Charles Albright and the mission from which he would become known forever as Captain Midnight. This volume contains a brief history of all these classic pulp fliers, interior illustrations by Rob Davis and a stunning cover by Shane Evans, Lance Star – Sky Ranger Vol.Two is the high diving collection pulp fans have waiting for.
Brought to you proudly by Airship 27 Productions, pulp fiction for a new generation!
Copies are now available at Go Pulp, simply click on to the name over the cover image.
ISBN: 1-934935-61-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-934935-61-3
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Release date: 10/16/2009
Retail Price: $24.95
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bobby will be out and about signing and selling books in October.
If you can make it out to any of the following events please stop by and say hello.
Keep checking http://bobby-nash-news.blogspot.com/ for updates.
October 2 - 4, 2009: XCON World in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (http://www.xconworld.com/)
October 17 - 18, 2009: The Nashville Comicon in Nashville, Tennessee. (http://www.comiccitytn.com/)
Bobby joins the Urbnpop "No Rest til I’m Dead" Tour.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009: Criminal Records in Atlanta, Georgia.
Thursday, October 22, 2009: Planet Comics in Andersen, South Carolina. (http://www.planetcomics.net/)
Friday, October 23, 2009: Richard’s Comics in Greenville, South Carolina. (http://www.richards-collectables.com)
Saturday, October 24, 2009: The Greenville Comic Con in Greenville, South Carolina. (http://www.greenvillecomiccon.com)


Edit 09/27/09 - It looks like my novel, Evil Ways is still available for $19.95. http://tinyurl.com/leualv. Cool.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lance Star: Sky Ranger sneak peek

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mosey on over to http://howardhopkins.blogspot.com/ and & check it out.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

(Airship 27 Prod. and Cornerstone Book Publishers are thrilled to announce the release of their newest pulp classic!)
The greatest, two-fisted, gun-blasting pulp G-Man of them all returns, in DAN FOWLER G-MAN Vol One. Folwer is the toughest F.B.I. agent of them all for many years, in the pages of his own pulp magazine, he fought America’s outlaws with nerves of steel and unrelenting duty. Now, four talented new pulp scribes deliver brand new stories featuring Fowler, fellow agent Larry Kendall and the ever loyal lovely, Sally Vane.
Follow them into The Dungeon of Death by Gregory Bastianelli, the Harvest of Crime by B.C.Bell, The Music of Murder by Aaron Smith and Andrew Salmon’s Dan Fowler And the League of Dead Patriots. Each story is a hard hitting action adventure tale set in the thrill packed days of yesterday, each a genuine gem of purple prose you will not want to miss.
Featuring twelve black and white illustrations by Kelly Everaert, a cover by Robert Brown and designed by Rob Davis with editing by Ron Fortier. Get your Tommy guns loaded, gas up the Studebaker and prepare yourself for a wild reading experience as Dan Fowler G-Man is once again on the hunt!
Airship 27 Productions. Pulp fiction for a new generation.
ISBN: 1-934935-41-7
ISBN 13: 978-1-934935-41-5
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Release date: 09/09/09
Retail Price: $21.95
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
If you run... they will find you!

Yin Yang is the story of brother and sister super-powered bounty hunters named Yin and Yang. They are the best in the business. No one escapes them. Working for dedicated Federal Marshal, Wade Kendall, Yin and Yang go after meta humans who use their powers to live above the law.
If you run... they will find you!
Written by Bobby Nash
Art by Luis Ruben Rivera Nunez
Coloring by EsComic!
Lettering by Jaymes Reed
Front Cover by Francheco
Back Cover by NAR
Created & edited by Jason Shane Powell
Published by Arcana Comics (http://www.arcanacomics.com/)
Look for Yin Yang in stores the 2nd quarter of 2010.
Check http://bobby-nash-news.blogspot.com for information and updates.
Friday, August 21, 2009
New Ron Fortier Interview at the Cornerstone Cafe!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
GL At Amazon
Friday, August 14, 2009
New Green Lama anthology released!

Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Book Publishers are thrilled to launch their latest pulp anthology; The Green Lama, Master of the Mystics Arts.
Created by Kendal Foster Crossen back in 1940 for Double Detective Magazine, the character was intended to be competition for Street & Smith’s Shadow title. When wealthy young socialite, Jethro Dumont traveled to Tibet, it was in search of enlightenment and purpose for his life. These he found plus a very rare and unique talent for the mystic arts. Empowered by powerful, arcane abilities, he has set forth on a new and bolder path, one of truth and justice. With his Buddhist sensibilities, Jethro Dumont became the most unique and memorable pulp hero of them all, The Green Lama.
In order to protect his identity, Dumont created a second false persona, that of Buddhist Dr. Pali. Aided by young starlet Jean Farrell and Detective Caraway, the The Green Lama thrilled readers young and old in both his pulp and comic book adventures.
Now he returns in three all new adventures written by today’s action-adventure scribes,
Kevin Noel Olson, Adam Garcia and Peter Miller. From the mountain tops of hidden Tibet to the streets of New York and the glitter of Hollywood, journey with this classic pulp icon as he once more battles the wicked in defense of the weak and innocent.
Features twelve new black and white illustrations by Jay Piscopo with a cover by Mike Fyles. Edited by Ron Fortier with designs by Rob Davis. “Om Mani Padme Hum.”
Jump aboard Airship 27 Production’s newest pulp collection and get ready for old fashion thrills. Airship 27 Prod. Pulp fiction for a new generation!
ISBN: 1-934935-53-0
ISBN 13: 978-1-934935-53-8
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Release date: 14 Aug. 2009
Retail Price: $24.95
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Off To PulpFest!

Airchief Ron Fortier and I are off to Columbus, Ohio for the first ever PULPFEST July 31st through August 2. There are going to be a number of Pulp Factory workers at the show (I'd name them, but I'm sure I'd leave someone out)- the two of us are really looking forward to getting together with the Ohio area contingent to celebrate the Bloody Pulps! For more information on the show surf over to pulfest.com. The site has some great articles of historic interest on the pulps as well as info' about the show for those of you not attending. I plan to try to update my Facebook page while we're at the show with my iPhone if I can get a good signal in the hall. So even if you're not going we'll try to give you a taste of the show from our perspective!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Fuzzy Bunnies From Hell

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Van Allen Plexico's Newest Book

Friday, July 3, 2009
Review of Rook Up
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Bobby Nash interview at Comic Related
Please take a look at http://comicrelated.com/news/1904/the-related-recap-124. My interview starts at 3:23 and runs through 15:37.
SHERLOCK HOLMES - Consulting Detective

Airship 27 Prod., and Cornerstone Book Publishers are very excited to announce the release of their newest title, SHERLOCK HOLMES, CONSULTING DETECTIVE Vol. One.
Victorian England, a time of historical significance as the world was poised expectantly for the coming wonders and terrors of the new century. Amidst this atmosphere of anticipation and intrigue, one man emerged as a beacon of logic and cold, calculating reason in an unsettling time: Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective. Now he returns in five brand new mysteries by four of today’s finest writers.
A famous soccer player is found dead in the club house. An unidentified stowaway is murdered aboard a U.S. Navy warship, while another man is found asphyxiated in an empty, locked room. These are several of the twisted puzzles challenging the Baker Street sleuth as he once again takes up the hunt on the fog ridden streets of London accompanied, as always, by his faithful ally, Dr.Watson.
Writers Aaron Smith, Andrew Salmon, Van Allen Plexico and I.A. Watson have set forth exciting new mysteries done in the traditional style of the original Holmes stories by his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There are no space aliens here nor howling werewolves, simply good old fashion whodunits. So arm yourself for danger and all manner of villainy as once again, the game is afoot!
This premier volume features a dramatic cover by artist Mark Maddox, with interior illustrations and design by Rob Davis. Edited by Airship 27 Prod. founder, Ron Fortier.
“Sherlock Holmes is clearly the most beloved fictional character ever created,” Fortier offered in discussing the new book. “We’ve assembled a collection of five terrific stories we are sure will entertain Holmes fans around the world.”
Airship 27 Productions produces new pulp novels and anthologies featuring classic pulp heroes. Their publisher is Cornerstone Book Publishers of New Orleans and their titles are available though all major book distributors. Airship 27, pulp fiction for a new generation!
ISBN: 1-934935-50-6
ISBN 13: 978-1-934935-50-7
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Release date: 20 June 2009
Retail Price: $21.95
Now available at (http://stores.lulu.com/airship27)
Soon all major book distributors.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Retro Airship 27

It really is sweet.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
For the past two years, pulpwriter/editor Ron Fortier has been moderating the Yahoo Pulp group known as the Pulp Factory. It is currently made up of thirty-six members, among them writers, artists and devoted pulp fans. Recently the group decided it was high time to shed a public light on the resurgence of new pulp fiction and art that has exploded across the literary field.
With the advent of such companies as Moonstone Books, Age of Adventure, Black Coat Press, Airship 27 Prod., Wild Cat Books and Altus Press to name a few, there have been hundreds of new pulp short stories and dozens of original pulp novels released in the past few years to warrant serious attention and support. Yet the older pulp groups and organizations, some of whom do sponsor award programs, continue to recognize only past creators and ignore these talented newcomers who are revitalizing the entire pulp community. The Pulp Factory Awards were inaugurated to publicly support, encourage and applaud the creation of new pulp fiction and art.
There will be four separate awards handed out annually; Best New Pulp Short Story, Best New Pulp Novel, Best New Pulp Interior Illustrations, and Best New Pulp Cover Art. Starting in Jan. of 2010, the members of the Pulp Factory will nominate candidates in the four categories and then, after a final ballot is determined, cast their vote. Winners will be notified and public announcements made. Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention promoter, Doug Ellis, was thrilled and delighted to offer the 2010 Windy City show as the venue for the first ever Pulp Factory Awards presentation. The physical award is a small statue in the shape of interconnecting gears with a pen embedded into them; the pen symbolizing both a writing quill and drawing pencil. (See accompanying sketch.)
In making this announcement, Fortier wanted it made absolutely clear that the Yahoos Pulp Factory group is not affiliated with any one publishing company and all its members are freelancers who have been published by multiple outfits. All new pulp fiction and art published in 2009, regardless of the source, will be eligible for these awards. "All of our members are extremely excited about this program and anxious to get it under way," he said happily in a recent interview. "We think this is a good thing for all of pulpdom."
Any person or group wanting more information on The Pulp Factory Awards is asked to contact Fortier directly at (Airship27@comcast. net). They are very receptive to any positive support in this new venture.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A nod to Cornerstone Publishers
Friday, June 12, 2009
The group is in your debt, amigo.

All right! We're back again. And to kick things off here's the cover to the latest release from Airship 27:
"The most intriguing character from the action pulps returns! This thrill-a-minute new edition is not merely a reprint of that solo 1938 classic, but a brand new relaunch of this long-forgotten pulp hero.
"Captain Hazzard travels the world in search of action and adventure, accompanied by his team: Jake Col, Montana sharp-shooter; Martin Tracey, surgeon; Washington MacGowen, scientific genius; Tyler Randal, ace pilot; and William Crawley, tabloid crime reporter. Their adventures are the stuff of legends.
"This new, updated special edition contains:
• The completely re-edited and rewritten Captain Hazzard book "Python Men of the Lost City" by Ron Fortier to include new chapters not included in the 1938 book!
• Wonderful spot illustrations by Rob Davis.
• New introduction and afterword written especially for this new edition."
Available at (www.gopulp.com)
Welcome to the revived Pulp Factory Blog!
Welcom to the Pulp Factory, a blog for creators and fans of new 'Pulpstyle' stories. This introductory message will be brief, and its success depends on the members' participation. So please, enjoy, participate, and give this new incarnation life. As Doctor Frankenstein says, "IT'S ALIVE!"
Kevin Noel Olson